Sunday, January 3, 2016


nah Mike, they ain't gonna fall for that one

Okay, so I know its been a year, and this time last year I said I was gonna be here… My bad.

Happy 2016!

So I was at work on 12/31, and I get this email from the person who trained me at this job. Now she usually sends out a “mushy” email around the holidays, full of butterflies and zebras and moonbeams and fairy tales(Praise Jimi!),

So thanks a lot, Kelly. You done good. Happy new year.
Then tonight, I was talking to The Mrs, and we were getting all deep and philosophical and... No we weren't. We were being real. No sugar coating, no BS, just the truth. And our truths were that we know exactly what we are supposed to be doing, but we aren't doing it, and that is why shit is delayed. God has basically told us what we are supposed to be doing, and why we're here, but we've both been like "yeah, I/we know... But we/I have to (insert menial task or parental excuse here)."

In the words of Run DMC, "Dumb... Dumb-dumb dumb-dumb dummmmmmmmmmmb"

But we're on it now. We're holding each other accountable. Its good.

Watch out. We're a comin...

Also, remember this - Wu-Tang is for the children. #random



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