"good luck movin' up, cuz iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm movin' out." - billy joel
i'm not even sure if anyone still comes out here, but i moved to a new url, wrfranklin.weebly.com.
see ya there... if you really exist...
nobody is going to read this post, because nobody cares. i tell myself this every time i start a new blog post. this, i already know, is just my self-talk trying to keep discouraged. i get it. i have always understood this as what the book the war of art calls "the resistance." it's just another distraction keeping me from doing what i was put on the planet to do. i think the worst part is that even though i know it, and i have always known, i continue to fall for it. i'm like... i'm just stupid sometimes. knowing it's bullshit every time, but continuing to taste it every time, saying "it's ice cream."
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nah Mike, they ain't gonna fall for that one
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“Merry new year! Thank you for correcting my English which stinks…” Oh Eddie Murphy, we
hardly knew ye…
So, its 2015, and things are gonna be different.
Starting now.
Not like Lloyd Dobler in Say Anything (Iceman – my assaulton the world begins now), but the young man no longer has time for the bs, or
the people who harbor and distribute the bs. TYM has been too passive, too
nice, too accepting for too long.
So to all you fly mothers, get out there and dance… DANCE I SAID! Sorry – I’m waxing nostalgic for the new year also. But back to the
lecture at hand…
TYM is just sick of the hating, nay-saying and
discouragement from the minor characters in his movie. You don’t count, minor
characters. Just because you can’t create anything but discontent and perhaps awedding cake made of twinkies and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer for your
granddaughter’s wedding out in the front yard, don’t turn your nose up at my
God-given talent.
So just a heads up/warning, the blog updates will be a
plenty, starting today. The young man’s presence will be everywhere.
Just like
the song Let It Go, but way less annoying.