Sunday, December 4, 2011

its beginning to look a lot like...

so, i am laying here while the 3 mini-me's are deeply enthralled in the latest episode of sonic x, staring at those blinking lights you see up there, and i am worrying, of course. as many of my earlier posts stated, this used to be my favorite time of year. I have already been yelled at for letting my inner child be killed (thanks, nikon), and i deserved that. its my own damn fault, word to jimmy buffet. now I worry about bills and Christmas on top of everything else. i am trying though. I have a new job im starting tomorrow. im being open and more honest with the mrs. i am up for another new job, making close to what I made at the place that axed me in february. praying more. i'll be fine. just having an "overwhelmed" moment.

happy holidays.
