nah Mike, they ain't gonna fall for that one
Okay, so I know its been a year, and this time last year I
said I was gonna be here… My bad.
Happy 2016!
So I was at work on 12/31, and I get this email from the person
who trained me at this job. Now she usually sends out a “mushy” email around
the holidays, full of butterflies and zebras and moonbeams and fairy tales(Praise Jimi!),
So thanks a lot, Kelly. You done good. Happy new year.
In the words of Run DMC, "Dumb... Dumb-dumb dumb-dumb dummmmmmmmmmmb"
But we're on it now. We're holding each other accountable. Its good.
Watch out. We're a comin...
Also, remember this - Wu-Tang is for the children. #random