Saturday, December 26, 2009

"shutting up, sir..." - C3PO

so the young man rounds up the 3 mini me's and loads them into the family truckster for church. his betrothed had to work (!), so it is boys' night out. the young man's best friend calls him all excited just as the young man is unloading the boyz. "i'll call you back as soon as I drop the crew off." done & done. 

tym calls back and has this convo:

tym: what's up?
tymbf: take what I'm about to say w/a grain of salt...
tym: okay...
tymbf: first, get off your butt and write. you got your laptop, you have no more excuses. you already have the book outlined, just knock it out. you could do that within a month.
tym: (smiles) okay. I agree...
tymbf: now I say this because I just got a call from (tym's bf's other friend). he was calling from a bookstore in manhattan, and he saw your (1st) book on the shelf there.

(tym's mouth is now hanging open, speechless. He is in the cafe @ church, so he can't scream or cry.)

tym: are you serious?
tymbf: yes. manhattan, as in nyc. and you know how tymbfof is... He got all excited and starts running around the store telling everyone "i know this guy! I know the person who wrote this book!" then he bought it.
tym: (stammering) wow...
tymbf: i said all that to say this: if your book made it all the way to manhattan, you have to keep writing. get that next one done, man... call me later... enjoy the service.

the young man has been floored.

i'm blogging from church. is that gonna send me to hell?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

on the eve...

it's 8 am, nat king cole is on, a 4 year old mini me has climbed in bed with me and requested a cookie and I need to go buy gifts. maybe this trip will put me in the holiday mood.

this just in, the 2 year old mini me has joined us...


I'm trying, folks... Gotta go get cookies before mommy gets back...


Monday, December 21, 2009

Hello... Welcome... Etc...

as if you don't already have enough shite to check on the internet, like bank account balances, facebook, and verifying that little video you and your ex made late one night with your blackberry is not on youtube yet, here is my new blog. yay- what a treat...

pay me no mind. the young man has become somewhat scrooge-ish this year. Christmas comes in 4 days, and i am not feeling it... AT ALL. I have the attitude of brad garrett anymore (without the 7up), and frankly, it's making me (and my legions of fans and followers - hello sir...) sick. It is annoying to be referred to as Schleprock, or the Gloomy Bastard all the time. however, i have my reasons, which i may or may not explain here. they include in-laws, evictions, a spouse and multiple babies.

but i digress...

enjoy your holidays. i will attempt to OD on perry como and the carpenters' holiday tunes for the next day or two, to try to get into the spirit...
