Sunday, April 17, 2011


Friday, April 15, 2011

...and so that journey ends. (PG13 version)

le sigh...
"unknown caller"


"this is missy soandso calling from the company that recently laid you off, then called you back and got you super excited by saying we wanted you to come in for an interview in your favorite city in the world..."

"yes ma'am!"

"well, we changed our minds. f**k you. goodbye."



*extremely heavy sigh*


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

... a few words about mediocrity

this picture is complete bs
i'm back again.

so, yes - I am in transition, but one phrase continues to bounce around in my head:

"mediocrity is not an option".

this is bothering me in such a way that i needed to get clarity on the word. sure i "get" what it means, but here is the official meaning (from


  [mee-dee-oh-ker]  Show IPA
of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad;barely adequate.
rather poor or inferior.

ah. gotcha. so yeah, that shit is a no-no. TYM has entirely too much flavor (hello, 1989) to be mediocre. it would be way easy to be mediocre too: 42, unemployed, unshaven, home all day with children, driving an american-made 4 door car... Y*A*W*N! laytah, man.

I said, laytah man. can you dig it? I knew that you could.

I have had a few Moments in Mediocrity in the past few months, definitely not bragging. but the thing is, whenever I have them, I start out with a twist in my stomach, then nausea, then an overwhelming desire to look in the mirror and say "Come On, Son...". the latest MIM happened just a few minutes ago. My son is taking a nap, and I am at my kitchen table, surfing the internet and spilling a bowl of Ro-Tel with sausage on my laptop/table/pants/floor. and it was like it happened in slow motion, so i could be sure to see just how wack it all was.

ladies and gentlemen, Al Bundy.

anyway, this shit has got to stop. mediocrity is officially not an option.

thank you for your time,


And so, the journey begins...

Not THAT Journey... but Frontiers was my SHIT!

So last Friday, the Mrs. And I go grocery shopping. No big deal. We get back home, the mini-est mini-me has fallen asleep, so she takes him in while I get bags from the family truckster. Again, no big deal. The big deal came when my phone rang.

"Unknown Caller".

Normally, I would just send that to Ye Olde Voice Maile, but something said to answer.

Listening ears. Yay!

"This is Missy Soandso, from the home office of The Company That Just Laid You Off A Couple Of Months Ago, in Your Favorite City In The World... You recently applied for a position here, and I'm looking at your resume. Do you have a few minutes to talk?"

"Do I?" - Eddie Murphy as Marcus Graham in Boomerang

So, we chat. She inquires. I answer. I try to be as charming as I can, while holding back tears of shock/joy and stifling a panic attack.

"Young Man, I don't see any reason why we wouldn't have you down here to interview, because you have the experience we are looking for. I will talk to the hiring manager today, and we should be in touch either way by Monday!"

I immediately sent out a group text, requesting prayers from across the country. Then I cried for about 20 minutes. TYM has dreamed about living in this city ever since he went for his 5th (?) wedding anniversary (we're celebrating #14 in 2 weeks, folks...). Now it is potentially a reality? You better believe I cried. Eric Benet.

5:15 pm, SAME DAY, I get the e-mail asking for my availability. Cloud 9, all weekend.

NOW comes the hard part. Waiting for corporate America. I know the buzz is still going (I have so much intel going on at that company, I feel like Jack Bauer. I got a text message every time a move was made on my behalf yesterday), but of course no official call or e-mail yet. Tom Petty was right.

Le sigh.

Like Jodeci said, "I'm Still Waiting..."


Saturday, April 2, 2011

what to do, what to do...

Which screen is most important?

 My God, I am so full right now. Not full of food, but full of anguish. And caffeine.  I have been in front of this laptop for a couple of hours now, and I am making myself sick. Its not as if I don't have anything to put on the screen (tons of ideas, tons of finished stuff that needs to be transferred from brain to hard drive), but its all of these freakin' contradictions in my head. As you know, I am still sans employ, but still receiving pay. While this would seem to be a GOOD THING to most people, I am not most people. I am SUPPOSED to be finishing up my second attempt at the great american novel, and the screenplay to shut down all other screenplays on the planet, yet I have a regularly scheduled wrestling match in my head every morning between me and the person I refer to as My Inner Hater. Every morning, its “you realize you suck, right? I mean, you don’t contribute to society at all anymore. You don’t have a job, you have a wife and 3 kids, yet you are a bum…” I know I’m still getting a check. I know all our bills are still being paid. I know everyone is still warm and safe and clothed and eating. Yet and still, I have to be called a bum. Maybe its because The Mrs. doesn’t treat me like that, so I feel like someone has to berate me, so why not me (More on the self depreciation in a later post.)? Who better knows the buttons to push to drive me mentally underground than… me?

That being said, I am insane. If I just change how I look at things, I am (more or less) being paid to write, and my life continues as “normal.” I think maybe it is a guy thing. You know, the whole “I’m a mayne (duh-duh-duh-duh-duh), well past 21…”, and I have to take care of my family. Maybe I need to get up and put on clothes and eat breakfast and leave like I have somewhere to go every morning. Maybe its just the feeling of not getting up and going somewhere that has me jacked up. I don’t know anymore.

“He’s a complicated man, and no one understands him but wom-ahunnnnnnnnnn…. YOUNG MAN…”


...and yet ANOTHER quick update (and no video)


Two posts ago, I made a statement or two about how I was addicted to certain chemicals since 1988, and how I almost OD'd. I am now getting a flood of folks asking me if I have been hiding my drug addiction, etc.

As Erykah Badu once said, "KEEP IN MIND - I'M AN ARTIST." That being said, keep in mind that artists can take artistic license every now and again. That's why its called artistic license.

A) I am not now, nor have I never been addicted to drugs. Unless you count caffeine. And Franks Red Hot Sauce. "I put that s**t on everything!"

2) Those chemicals I mentioned are the chemicals that are released in the brain when people fall in love. Most of the comments, phone calls and texts I received were from people who thought I typed Oxycontin instead of Oxytocin. See the links below for further information.

G) I am a recovering romantic sap. That's all I was getting at.

7) Please have the people from "Intervention" stop calling me.
